Get Involved

If you are interested in getting involved with the Node.js community, there are many ways to do so. The Node.js project is a large and diverse community, and there are many ways to contribute, beyond just writing code.

Community Discussion

  • The GitHub issues list is the place for discussion of Node.js core features and if you have questions about node.js, you can use the github discussions.
  • For real-time chat about Node.js development use one of the platforms below
    • For IRC, go to in the #node.js channel with an IRC client or connect in your web browser to the channel using a web client
    • For Slack, there are two options:
      • The OpenJSF Slack is a Foundation run Slack with several Node.js channels (channels prefixed by #nodejs- are related to the project).
      • Node Slackers is a Node.js-focused Slack community.
  • The official Node.js Twitter account is nodejs.
  • The Node.js project calendar with all public team meetings.

Learning Materials

Unofficial Discussion Areas

If you are looking for a more informal place to discuss Node.js, there are several unofficial discussion areas. Please note that these are not officially endorsed by the Node.js project. Also follow their respective code of conduct/rules.

  • Nodeiflux is a friendly community of Node.js backend developers supporting each other on Discord.
  • ES Community is a Discord community for French-speaking JavaScript developers.